Saturday, July 26, 2008


Frustration is the name of the game

Too many hours spent choosing a name

Instructions for me hard to follow

In misery at the computer I wallow

Ten weeks of exercises to complete

The first one has me beat.

Cannot find the landscape tab

The colours in my blog to change

Instructions printed - still no light

So here it is in pink and white

Will it get easier over time?

Here's hoping that it will be fine.


Miss Frazzled said...

Hi Trixie,
Love the poem!! Very clever. And I love the look of your blog, the colours work really well together.

NSL Training Support Team said...

Trixie, you have done a great job -poetry and the blog!
If you want to change the look of your blog, click 'customise' on the top navbar, then click the 'layout' tab. That will give you some options - to change the colour click on 'fonts and colours'where you can play around with different looks and save the one you like.
Enjoy the exercises- just work through them slowly and you will be fine!

coolpoetry said...

Hey Trixie!

Reading your poem made me realise what incredible creative genius we have in our libraries. I suspect that the North Shore libraries will become the hub of world poetry in the not so distant future......