Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zoho, Goodo!

This is very similar to Microsoft Word but as some computers don't have that installed, this is a good option. I liked the fact that everything to do with formatting , editing and decorating etc can be found on the toolbars. I somehow managed to make a collage in Picasa and then export it to Zoho. Took me a while and had to put it on the desktop first. Hope I can now delete it from there without losing it completely. I did notice that as I wrote, my picture seemed to shrink and I haven't got all of it in. Also I tried to add a smiley emotion to my introduction after I had inserted the picture and the picture disappeared. Thank goodness for the 'undo' button.

Here is the link below.

When I checked back on this link all I got was the link to the Zoho page. After a round of telephone calls I finally discovered that I could publish what I had done to my blog. I did this and it still didn't appear in my blog. After much too-do I finally found it in the drafts and then published it. However it has gone on as a completely separate blog instead of being attached to this one.

This looks interesting. It seems as if it is somewhat like Microsoft Word but everything is available from the toolbars, so may be easier to use for formatting and editing a document. I am going to attempt to transfer some pictures from my computer. Watch this space! .

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